19 January 2008

There was a long empty street, I walked where the cars drive
War struck buildings, dead vines, defensive gates and cameras
Another approached me, she walked where the cars drive
She looked, I looked, a short stutter in our steady walking
I took a picture of the siding buildings, while I walked on
Crows sat quietly on the grey ridges of the old concrete
We looked up, our gazes interlocked, I saw her face
My breath squeezed out, lungs emptied in a sigh
She smiled, my eyes smiled, my mouth cramped
Our pace slowed gradually with the approach
She was close, stared straight in my eyes
My mouth opened, there was no air
I turned, backpack scraping car
She passed, looked behind her
Our sad smiles met


  1. Aras said...
    Hey this is very cool..
    Marius said...
    wow! echt gebeurt papie?

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