21 January 2008

Elements of Mental Experiment: Being Berlin
Outward identification:
what you sense is what you are
you see your "I"
you hear your "I"
you touch your "I"
you smell your "I"
the experienced space around > name it "I" - think it "I"
Denying the skull:
the outside of the skull is where you begin
The ego unfolded:
viewpoint shifts as relations between things shift
viewpoint shifts as the boundaries of things shift
Phenomenology reversed:
awareness is the relation of things
awareness is the distinction between things
Singularity of sleep:
sleep is the eternally reduced space of your experience
sleep is experience collapsed into a point
things become reduced to one = closed eyes / blocked ear / the untouched
bigger^deeper^clearer self-space > awareness unto life
self-space reduced into vanishing point > depression unto death
city as self-reflection, road as motive, house as secret, sculpture as memory, light as awareness, darkness as unconsciousness, repetition as boredom, openness as potential growth, sky as God, tunnel as underworld, &C, &C, &C.



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