31 July 2007
I just realized this simple, yet profound thing. That is, I will always need an interesting, uncanny story with the girl I'll ever get serious with (hypothetically speaking). I wonder how that is with other people. Imagine, you meet and kindoff like each other and then stay together because things are fine and then... a miserable life. How could such a relationship ever get interesting? Only in an arthouse movie played by Kidman, maybe. Or, you meet your other half in a bar, and you start talking... isn't that miserable? No, really the only way it can go is by twists of fate, a plot and mysterious glimpses of a destiny together; that is the only way I could meet. If there is no unreal beginning, I don't see how things can ever go beyond being 'pleasant.' How to tell the story of the true beginning of your children, if you would ever get them with one of the flat characters? Also, I know people who stage the story, those who create the storyline themselves; but I don't think that works either because things will always feel blown up or elevated. Deep down, you will always know whether the story is rooted in the world, or sadly dramatized with the world as a mere stage. THUS, I and a girl need to be brought together by a story; there really is no other way. And I cannot really see how that might be otherwise for anyone else...
Labels: Thoughts
I always love reading your blog. Your stories really make me think about stuff. But this one was a little bit to much fot me.
You can not plan on how you fall in love. You just do! The story does not matter. What matters is how you spent the rest of your time together. Who said that you can not have a intresting life together when you have met in a 'borring' way?