04 May 2007

Everytime it happens, a panick attack hits me because of all the work that accumulates in the last two weeks. Last year was a bad one, I did a 300 level math course that I'll never forget. This time I like all my subjects and the stress is different. Still, it remains stress and as such I will commit the sin of sharing the deep pit I am staring in, due friday next week:
1. 4000 word essay psychology
2. 2000 words business plan
3. 4000 word take home exam philosophy
4. speech for opening a biotechnology debate
5. prepared fact sheet for debate
6. Portfolio of creative writing pieces
7. Writers journal I should have written over the semester
8. 2000 Short story about a suicide
9. final exam psychology
10. last but not least, final and bound-in version of my research
If you then make the calculation that I can write max. of 2000 words a day when doped up high on coffees and need for example read 300 pages for the psyc exam or read at least 10 biotech researches and one gets the final result: "IMPOSSIBLE." It is this concept, that occasionally takes over my mind and echoes along, and that is exactly what it means to have a panick attack, a realization of my lack of superpowers. But I know I'll survive, everyone always does. See you all next week!

1 Comment:

  1. TL said...
    I have like half of your workload, but all are due on Monday, which is actually tomorrow!

    I haven't ordered the sweater of class of 2007, thinking that I may not graduate in time! :|

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