31 December 2007

New Year is called Sylvester in Germany. I think there is only one true Sylvester feeling, and it is very simple, in mental echo: I am 23, I live in Berlin and - although some stuff is missing in my life - I am more than good anyway. Thanks to those who still read the crap on my humble blog.
Have a good 2008!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Have a good 2008 too:)

    I can't help thinking of you every time I go to SU canteen (remember?) alone. I'd sit by the window, with a view of the sea of lights floating on this island.

    I'm doing good. I went to the Harbour to count-down and watch the firework on New Year's Eve, with of course another 50000 ppl or so. It was great. Maybe New Year is just a reminder to celebrate. To celebrate all the good things in life.

    Whenever I want to ask you how you are I'd look for your blog, and it brings me an excitement if I see anything new posted in here. So please keep writing.

    All the best for you in the coming year. It's gonna be wonderful ;)


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