05 October 2006
[below an utterly egocentered post. about mememe. only read when really, really bored. WHEN more interested in HONG KONG, it is boring, long and irrelevant. ]
My (over-) dramatic writing, lack of humour and bitter ideas caused some people to believe I am unhappy here. Whoops. Not my intention.
It iz Really AMaziNG here!! WHooo! WOW, Best time of my lIfe!! SeriousLy I AM Definitely in LOOVEE with this Place!! tOO HappY!! happyhappyhappy! WOW. It's just JUST just UnbelievablE!! It's Like like like, just Yum! CRazy City is blOOwing me OUtta My MInd! Just CAN't grasp it ... HappIest TIme in my LIfe!! IncredIBle, FANtasTIc!! do NOT know how to Express it.
these americanized feelings are felt, amazing enough. but they are just ugly in words. and annoying to read. and only dead-n-gone in the gravery of my memory when behind my comp.
so.continuing.the.trip:OUTSIDENESS in RETROspection:
Confession:consider.AuthOR.(NotMartinHimself).A.Robot. -.seriously.Incapable. Of.EMOtionality.-.WHEN.Thinking!! just thoughts and theories. E.G: previous post, I only mean that OUTROspection seems opposed to INTROspection [it's even a BIG cliche already!], when you are thinking, 'the external' appears within your mind; when you see the world, your mind appears in the WORLD. Be Free to ProJecT any feelings YOU would have while experiences anyofthetwo onto these ideas, but !please! do not project them on me.
so.continuing.the.trip:PPL INspection:
-ASOCIAL.:. does.not. like.humans. in.general.:.ONLY.likes.friends. NOT.the.unknown-neighbor!! E.G: if bitching about people from Hong Kong, the label 'ppl from hk' becomes discrimination only when reader connects it with feelings, it is just meant as generalisation and phenomenal analyses and nothing else...
so.continuing.the.trip:HK REspection:
Confession:consider.AuthOR.(NotMartinHimself).EGOcentric. E.G: some just want to read how Hong Kong is. Some just want to know 'happenings'. This is very hard. ONE essential "ENJOYMENT" -that !MORE SHOULD ENJOY!- is twisting/distorting/ REcreating/REforming/reSPECTating the experiences of things: i can only write about these fragmented (re)creatures of intertwined sense&imagination&thinking.
[Agreed: will need to try more REspect for the wonderful hong kong!]
the end.
and a shoe.
Labels: Creative Writing, Hong Kong, Thoughts
1 Comment:
- Unknown said...
1:03 AMhihihi. Martin u bent STOER, en als je het waagt om ook maar 1 blije post te schrijven dan.